If your child is absent, please telephone the office before 8.50am to let us know or log the absence via the Pupil Asset website. This is to ensure that we fulfill our responsibilities in regard to pupil’s safety. You can leave a message on our answerphone if you wish to ring early before the office staff are in. If no call is received then the school will text and then telephone the parents to find out why the pupil is absent.
We must be able to contact you if your child is taken ill at school. Please ensure that we have a telephone number where you can be reached during the day, and also another number for a relative or friend who will act on your behalf if we cannot contact you. If you move or change your telephone number, please do not forget to let us know.
Other Absence Parents are requested to ensure all medical and dental appointments are for outside school hours where at all possible. It is accepted that this may not always be possible, but please do try to keep them to a minimum. If your child will be missing either a morning or afternoon registration we ask that you provide evidence of the medical appointment in order for this to be authorised.
If your child is going to be absent for a whole morning or afternoon session for any reason other than illness or a medical appointment then an official absence notification form must be completed. No holiday will be authorised in term time. Unauthorised absence may result in you receiving a fine for each child from the Norfolk County Courts Courts.