
All our children start school in September and are warmly welcome to join full time from September.  If your child is born between 1st March and 31st August and you feel they would benefit from coming part time in the Autumn term (mornings only) please speak to the school about these arrangements.

Entry is staggered and will initially be part-time for the first couple of weeks. This is to allow all the children time to settle and get accustomed to school routine. We believe that all children should be treated as individuals and their needs met accordingly.

If there are more applications for places than there are places available, Norfolk County Council will give preference to children living nearest to the school according to the following rules in this order of priority:

  1. children with a Statement of Special Education Needs naming this school.
  2. children who live within Scarning and have a brother or sister attending the school at the time of their admission.
  3. children who live in Scarning and have no brother or sister connection with the school.
  4. children who live outside Scarning and have a brother or sister attending the school at the time of their admission.
  5. children who live outside the Scarning and have no brother or sister connection with the school.
  6. children living both in and outside the area served by the school who are attending either an infant/first school but wish to transfer before Year 3, subject to professional judgement by relevant officers of appropriate educational and social development of the child.

Admissions Room 7 County Hall Martineau Lane Norwich NR1 2DH (Norfolk County Council manages school admissions for our school).

Click here for the school admissions website


Telephone:  0344 800 8020 Fax:  01603 223722 Email:


Introduction to School       

During the Summer Term we organise various events to welcome the children and their parents to our school. Our Reception Teacher visits the children in their Pre-school or nursery. The children are invited into our Reception Class to visit and join in with the activities. Towards the end of term the children are invited to join a Teddy Bears’ Picnic with the children already in school. We find this really helps both pupils and parents settle in. Here are some of the comments we have received on our transition process:

“… is so enthusiastic about school and has very quickly become so proud of her school. She has quickly gained a sense of ownership of her school.”

” … has settled in really well. I think mainly because of reception visits when he was at Pre-School. …. spoke consistently about the times he went to big school. It put me at ease that he was so comfortable going to big school.”

“Visiting reception really helped and … thought it was fabulous that you come to our house.”

“… has settled in school very happily, due to the frequent Pre-School visits she was familiar with the setting and staff. She is very happy and secure. She knows the expectations and is confident in what she should be doing and when.”

During this term there will be an opportunity for parents to meet with the Headteacher to find out about the school and the educational experiences their children will be receiving. Representatives of the Governors will also be available at that meeting.